
Invisalign Braces

Invisalign braces are clear, removable plastic aligners. They are designed to straighten your teeth without the “metal mouth” look of traditional braces. The aligners are exchanged for a new set every two weeks, and you can remove them when eating and brushing your teeth. To find out if Invisalign is right for you, visit an experienced Invisalign dentist, or a dentist that uses the latest techniques in orthodontics. Your dentist can let you know if Invisalign is right for you and will be able to offer you all the latest information on the Invisalign treatment. 임플란트 전문치과

Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign aligners are nearly clear, so it will be harder for people notice you’re wearing braces. They are also removable, so you can take them out to eat and brush your teeth. This leaves you with fewer visits to the dentist for adjustments. Invisalign is much more comfortable than traditional braces. You’ll hardly notice that you have them on at all, and you can remove them when you sleep at night, making it possible to get better results at night.

Is Invisalign for Everyone?

Fortunately, Invisalign is suitable for many people, including teens. Unlike traditional metal braces, Invisalign aligners are shaped differently on each side of your mouth, and that can change your alignment by as much as four or five teeth. Your dentist in Westchester or on Long Island will be able to tell you if Invisalign is right for you.

Because Invisalign is a relatively new technology, you may find that your dentist in Westchester or on Long Island does not yet have the Invisalign treatment. If you are looking for a dentist, you can ask your friends and family if they know of a dentist near you that has the latest technology in teeth straightening, and that can help you choose your regular Westchester dentist.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

Invisalign can be worn for between 9 and 15 years, depending on the severity of your dental misalignment. To get the best results, it is usually recommended that you wear your Invisalign for at least 22 hours per day. During the time you wear your Invisalign, you will need to take it out to eat and brush your teeth, but it will be much easier to wear and less likely to cause damaging friction sores in your mouth. Invisalign Braces

What Are the Risks and Side Effects of Invisalign?

Like traditional braces, side effects of Invisalign are rare but they do happen. The most common side effect is a bit of soreness when you get the first set of aligners, but this is most likely temporary. improvements the likelihood of more frequent inflamed sores. The aligners should fit your mouth perfectly, and since each set of aligners is different, the beginning of the treatment period will likely be different from your previous set. However, over the long run, your teeth will move more because the Invisalign is working to align them more tightly than metal braces would work. The most common side effect for people who have Invisalign is a bit of discomfort while the teeth are shifting. This usually goes away after the first few days of treatment.

Does The Invisalign Treatment Require Braces?

Invisalign treatments do not require the use of braces, however, dentists will recommend some orthodontic treatments along with Invisalign to keep your teeth straight. Most of the orthodontic work requires the use of a traditional metal retainer, which protects your teeth from shifting and maintains your bite. At times, these two treatments will provide enough alignment, and the necessary orthodontic work will be minimal because you will not be required to wear a retainer. If you do not wear your metal retainer all the time, or if it is difficult for you to wear metal retainers in your mouth, you may want to consider another orthodontic treatment.